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mezinárodní festival muzejní audiovize /
the international museum audiovisual festival
Záštitu nad projektem přebral ministr kultury Mgr. Daniel Herman /
The Patronage over the project took over Culture Minister Mgr. Daniel Herman
Lists of winners:
A choice of media responses:
SALVADOR-DALI.ORG: News. Third documentary by the Dalí Foundation awarded by AVICOM
The F@IMP 2.0 competition for all institutional and individual ICOM members.
The awards ceremony took place in Jan Amos Komensky Museum, Uhersky Brod, Czech Republik
on 14th June on the ocasion of 20th Musaionfilm festival.
[with the speaches of winners:]
13.–15. 6. 2017
EUROPE | Czech republic

MUSAIONfilm 2018
21. ročník |12.–14. 6. 2018 UHERSKÝ BROD | CZ
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